You can group sets of file revisions together and tag them to make releases that can be checked out at any time to repeatedly build specific releases of code ( a requirement of SCM). 可以组合文件修订集并标记它们来制作发布,而发布又可以在任何时间签出以供重复构建代码的特定发布(SCM的要求)。
And, once we begin using the RANDOM option, we must be very careful to code both a GROUP BY and an ORDER BY when order matters. 而且,一旦我们开始使用RANDOM选项,我们必须在排序至关重要时非常小心地编写GROUPBY和ORDERBY。
The GPS IRIG-B code time system encapsulates the GPS satellite signal and modernized IRIG-B ( B type format of Inter-Range Instrumentation Group) serial time code and connect them to the computer through a PCI bus, thus offering accurate timing service. GPSIRIG-B码时间系统把GPS卫星信号和现代化靶场间通用的IRIG-B(Inter-RangeInstrumentationGroup,靶场仪器组B型格式)串行时间码封装于一体,通过PCI总线与计算机联系起来,提供高精度的定时服务。
Therefore, Motion Picture Experts Group ( MPEG) published the secondary generation video coding standard, MPEG-4. Compared with the first generation standard, a significant character of MPEG-4 is object-based coding which means to code videos as a set of semantic video objects. 为此,MPEG组织提出了第二代视频压缩标准MPEG-4,MPEG-4最显著的特征之一就是基于对象的编码方式。
The major histocompatibility complex ( MHC) is a group of closely-linked gene, Which code the major histocompatibility antigen and play a critical role in immune response in vertebrate animals. 主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)是一群紧密连锁的基因,编码主要组织相容性抗原,在脊椎动物机体的免疫应答中具有重要作用。
It was proved that linear transformation group GL3 ( 2) is an automorphism group of Hamming Code A-in paper [ 2]. 在文献[2]中证明了线性变换群GL3(2)是汉明码A7的自同构群。
In our country is currently being developed by the Expert Group was established in the Civil Code provisions specifically, the responsibility of experts to carry out a unified legislation. 在我国目前的正在制定的民法典中专家组设立了专门的条款,对专家责任进行统一的立法。
A fault tolerance group is a set of storage nodes that implement erasure code, and the Identifier of a node correspond to a serial number of the data after encoding. 容错组是实现纠错码的存储节点集合,数据经过纠错码编码后保存在容错组相应的存储节点中。